news eng THE 35TH ANNIVERSARY IIPT EVENT 21 Jul 202113 Sep 2021 The celebration of the 35th anniversary of the founding of the IIPT and honoring the work of Lou D’Amore, President of the IIPT, with the service to the international tourism…
news eng IIPT ZOOM FAMILY MEETING HELD 19 Jul 202121 Jul 2021 IIPT Zoom Family Meeting was held on July 16, 2021, attended by 100 participants, related to IIPT, as well as professionals in various fields of tourism who support the basic…
news eng SPEECH BY LOUIS D’AMORE FOR THE INSTITUTE FOR PEACE THROUGH TOURISM – IIPT SERBIA 16 Jul 202120 Jul 2021 On the occasion of the establishment of the Institute for Peace through Tourism - IIPT Serbia, Louis D’Amore, President and Founder of the International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT)…
news eng ESTABLISHMENT OF THE INSTITUTE FOR PEACE THROUGH TOURISM SUPPORTED BY KEY ACTORS IN SERBIAN TOURISM 5 Jul 202121 Jul 2021 On Thursday, July 1, 2021, on the premises of the National Tourism Organisation of Serbia, a meeting of representatives of the Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT Serbia) with key…
news eng MEETING ON THE OCCASION OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE INSTITUTE FOR PEACE THROUGH TOURISM (IIPT SERBIA) 29 Jun 20215 Jul 2021 As part of the introductory activities of IIPT Serbia, on July 1, 2021, starting at 14:00 in the premises of the National Tourism Organization of Serbia, a meeting will be…
news eng A PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN THE INSTITUTE FOR PEACE THROUGH TOURISM (IIPT SERBIA) AND SINGIDUNUM UNIVERSITY HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED 29 Jun 202119 Jul 2021 The Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT Serbia) and Singidunum University will jointly support the spread of the idea of achieving peace through tourism and the spread of a culture…
news eng A MEETING WAS HELD BETWEEN THE DIRECTOR OF NTO SERBIA AND THE PRESIDENT OF IIPT SERBIA 28 Jun 202116 Jul 2021 Jovan Popesku, President of the Institute for Peace through Tourism (IMIT / IIPT Serbia) informed the Director of NTO Serbia, Ms. Marija Labović, of the IIPT Serbia goals, as International…
news eng INSTITUTE FOR PEACE THROUGH TOURISM ESTABLISHED (IMIT / IIPT Serbia) 26 Apr 202129 Jun 2021 Deeply believing in the strength of the aspiration to build a culture of peace through tourism and based on the fulfilment of the conditions set by the International Institute for…